Discover your resilience in six weeks by conquering paralysing self-doubt, navigating overwhelming situations, and prioritising self-care. Arm yourself with the confidence to confront life's challenges head-on and move forward with a renewed sense of purpose in your journey!

With Ali Flynn

"When I began, it felt like I was stumbling in the dark without a clear direction. But through this resilience course I discovered the confidence and clarity I needed in my life. I'm moving forward with purpose, and I am equipped with a toolbox of skills and resources".

- Kerrie Russell

Who is this course for?

This course is for you if you are...

  • Dealing with self-doubt and feel like you're always questioning your own abilities.
  • Feeling overwhelmed and trapped in your situation.​​​
  • Neglecting self-care, even through you know how important it is.
  • ​Struggling to balancing responsibilities between personal and professional life.
  • ​​Not coping with the emotional and psychological impact of trauma or significant life events.
  • ​​Struggling to find hope, motivation, and a sense of purpose during challenging times.
  • ​​Trying to rebuild and regain stability after a significant setback in life.

What does the course cover and how is it delivered?

Dive into 6 dynamic 60-minute videos, complemented by a comprehensive workbook, delivered Straight to your inbox.

In the coming 6 weeks, we'll delve into the essential tools, strategies, and the resilient mindset required to construct a stronger, more resilient YOU. The beauty of it all is that you can navigate this journey at your own rhythm, on your own schedule.

Every week, you'll be provided with a video module and a comprehensive workbook, equipping you with all the necessary tools and guidance to embark on the path towards your ultimate resilience.
  Week 1: Discovering Your Core Values and Crafting Your Life Map
  Explore the personal values that guide you and and create a roadmap for your life’s journey.

  Week 2: Mastering Mindset and Conquering Negative Thoughts
  Dive deep into mindset techniques to overcome and conquer negative thinking patterns.

  Week 3: Exploring Your Emotional Blueprint
  Understand your unique emotional signature and how it influences your resilience.

  Week 4: Embracing Change and Conquering Uncertainty
  Learn to navigate change and uncertainty, turning them into opportunities for growth.

  Week 5: Revealing the 7 Essential Steps to Resilience Mastery
  Unveil the core steps essential to mastering resilience in your life.

  Week 6: Building a Strong Support Network
  Explore the power of support networks and how they contribute to your resilience journey

  With all the enriching content and resources at your fingertips, you now have the freedom to learn and grow at your own pace. 
  Dive in, and let your extraordinary journey unfold!

  Week 1: Discovering Your Core Values and Crafting Your Life Map
  Explore the personal values that guide you and and create a roadmap for your life’s journey.

 Week 2: Mastering Mindset and Conquering Negative Thoughts
  Dive deep into mindset techniques to overcome and conquer negative thinking patterns.

 Week 3: Exploring Your Emotional Blueprint
  Understand your unique emotional signature and how it influences your resilience.

 Week 4: Embracing Change and Conquering Uncertainty
  Learn to navigate change and uncertainty, turning them into opportunities for growth.

 Week 5: Revealing the 7 Essential Steps to Resilience Mastery
  Unveil the core steps essential to mastering resilience in your life.

 Week 6: Building a Strong Support Network
  Explore the power of support networks and how they contribute to your resilience journey

 With all the enriching content and resources at your fingertips, you now have the freedom to learn and grow at your own pace. 
 Dive in, and let your extraordinary journey unfold!

Over $997 Value...
Just $197 !

Who is Ali Flynn and why has she created this course?

Host of the chart topping international podcast 'Challenges That Change Us' and backed by her studies of psychology law, a post-grad in emotionally-focused therapy and 20 years’ experience as a counsellor supporting trauma survivors, Ali has tailored this 6 week course to equip participants with the mindset, skill set and resource to become 100% resilient no matter what life throws their way.

Having experienced enough trauma to last a lifetime, she draws from her own inspiring story of grit and resilience to influence thousands, to convince them that obstacles are not insurmountable. Her life story is a narrative of grit and will power, a tale of one woman’s journey of overcoming enormous adversities and triumphing against all odds to becoming a self-made entrepreneur, inspiring others to thrive.

What they are saying about the program:

“The Resilience workshop was incredibly beneficial for me, in particular in teaching me how to look inward and prioritise self-care. 

 It provided extremely valuable and practical tools and insights on how to tackle life’s obstacles, whether big or small. I highly recommend it!”

- Tilly Brauer
“What a course, I took so much away for not only myself and my family but how I can better adapt to situations within the workplace.

If you are wondering if this is for you- I can’t recommend it highly enough’

- James Callinan
Change is a part of life, and as someone who's lived with anxiety my whole life, Surviving to Thriving caught my eye. I've been following Challenges that Change Us Podcast, and when the course became available at an affordable price with manageable sessions, I was eager to join.

This course provided me with the tools to be more resilient, identify early warning signs of anxiety and take the necessary steps for self support. 

- Marinda Piddington
Join us today and here is what you will get...
  • 🚀  Gain Practical Tools: Learn proven strategies to bounce back from setbacks, manage stress, and embrace change with confidence.
  • 🧠 Develop Resilient Mindset: Enhance your self-awareness, foster a growth mindset, and harness the power of positive thinking.
  • ​🎯 Thriving in All Aspects of Life: Learn how to not only survive but also thrive in the face of adversity, fostering resilience in your relationships, career, and overall well-being.

Who Is THE Master class FOR?

  • Individuals who want to enhance their ability to navigate challenges and setbacks and bounce back stronger than ever.
  • ​Professionals who face high levels of stress and pressure in their careers.
  • ​Anyone experiencing change or uncertainty and looking for tools to adapt and thrive.  
  • ​Parents and caregivers seeking to build resilience to better support their families and manage daily stressors.
  • People seeking to overcome self-limiting beliefs and unlock their true potential
  • ​Anyone who is committed to personal growth, self-discovery, and embracing resilience to lead a fulfilling life.

The Surviving to Thriving Program!


Are you ready to rewrite the script of your life? The Surviving to Thriving Program is your ticket to transforming your mindset and daily habits. It's time to take the wheel of your well-being and steer it towards confidence, purpose, and fulfilment.

You are deserving of a life where you radiate confidence and seize every opportunity that comes your way!

Dive headfirst into the cutting-edge research on resilience and how it can supercharge your entire human experience.
With guidance from Ali, a seasoned therapist and counsellor with an extensive background in trauma therapy and counselling, you'll discover the incredible potential for growth, even after enduring chronic stress, adversity, or trauma. In just six weeks, equip yourself with an arsenal of tools and practices that will empower you to THRIVE in every facet of your life.

Don't just survive – THRIVE with the Surviving to Thriving Program! Your journey to a brighter, more confident, and fulfilled you begins now.


Ali Flynn is a director and founder of three successful companies, host of the international podcast entitled ‘Challenges that change us’ , speaker, mentor and facilitator. She has presented hundreds of workshops focusing on leadership, personality profiling, peak performance, wellbeing and mindset. In short, she’s a natural born leader and mentor who has worked with thousands of people over the past two decades to help them explore their core beliefs, eliminate fears and break through mental blocks. She shares strategies that enables anyone to operate in a state of peak performance and achieve personal and professional growth.  

Backed by her studies of psychology law, a post-grad in emotionally-focused therapy and 20 years’ experience as a counsellor supporting trauma survivors, Ali serves up a holistic approach to life – one that serves attendees to improve their business mind, as well as their mental health and wellbeing.  

Having experienced enough trauma to last a lifetime, she draws from her own inspiring story of grit and resilience to influence thousands, to convince them that obstacles are not insurmountable. Her life story is a narrative of grit and will power, a tale of one woman’s journey of overcoming enormous adversities and triumphing against all odds to becoming a self-made entrepreneur, inspiring others to thrive.

Her life story has driven her to want to help individuals and leaders understand more about human behaviour, communication and mindset. 

She believes in finding: 
"The right strategy for the right person at the right time in their life"


Could this be the best time for you to cultivate resilience for personal and professional growth?

For years, our focus has been on developing technical skills to drive success in various domains. But have you ever taken the time to delve into the depths of your own resilience and understand how it influences your personal growth and overall well-being?

As unique individuals, it's crucial to appreciate the power of resilience and its ability to uplift our lives. It's time to prioritise yourself and explore what brings out the best in your remarkable human spirit.

The real question is: How does resilience shape your ability to thrive?

You may have explored aspects of resilience in the past, but we guarantee you've never seen it quite like this before.

The key lies in the lens through which you view yourself and how you piece together the puzzle of resilience.

For years, our focus has been on developing technical skills to drive success in various domains. But have you ever taken the time to delve into the depths of your own resilience and understand how it influences your personal growth and overall well-being?

As unique individuals, it's crucial to appreciate the power of resilience and its ability to uplift our lives. It's time to prioritise yourself and explore what brings out the best in your remarkable human spirit.

The real question is: How does resilience shape your ability to thrive?

You may have explored aspects of resilience in the past, but we guarantee you've never seen it quite like this before.

The key lies in the lens through which you view yourself and how you piece together the puzzle of resilience.

Don't miss this extraordinary opportunity to learn the exact system that I have personally relied on whenever adversity strikes. Through years of navigating my own challenges, I have developed and refined the very techniques and strategies that I will be teaching you in this course.

This is your chance to learn from someone who has walked the path, spend decades studying human behaviour and can guide you towards your own triumphs. 

Embrace this opportunity to build your resilience toolbox and discover the immense strength that lies within you.

Walk away from our Signature Program with: 

# Emotional Regulation: Learn effective strategies to manage and regulate your emotions, allowing you to stay calm, focused, and in control even during times of stress or pressure.
# Problem-Solving and Decision-Making: Acquire practical problem-solving and decision-making skills that will help you approach challenges with clarity, confidence, and a solutions-oriented mindset.
# Improved Self-Confidence: Build self-confidence and self-belief as you overcome obstacles and develop a greater understanding of your strengths and capabilities.

Join our vibrant Facebook community for the "Challenges that Change Us" podcast, where we come together to share practical tools and invaluable tips for navigating life's trials and tribulations. You no longer have to bear the journey alone. Click the link below to jump onboard and connect with a supportive, like-minded community ready to empower you through every challenge life throws your way. We're here for you!
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